Thursday, June 22, 2006


Here goes. A good language for everyday interhuman communication. You start off with an alphabetical sytem, kind of. You know, as opposed to the entire chinese character thing... Every character makes one sound, and only one sound. Always the same sound, regardless of circumstances. I spent years intermittently analyzing the vocal abilities of the human mouth. I developed a chart. Not a random string of sounds to be recited with a song by first graders, or backwards by drunk people at policemans request, a chart. Ok. It's an 8*8 chart, with 4 notation possibities. One byte/ character total. Consonants. Not just English ones, either. All the possible ones. Or most anyway... I'm never really done.
<>,K,,T, ,,, P.
<>,G,,D, ,,,B.
<>,gh,,Z, dh, <>, V, <... grr... getting tedious... but you get the picture...
Then you have the "vowels". I've classified them into two groups by behavior. One group contains vowels which cannot easily be switched between without changing syllables. The other is the opposite. We'll call them "long" and "short" as I do, simply because.... the short mostly coincide with themselves in english.
and the long? brace thyself.
y,w,l,r. That's right. R is a vowel as far as I'm concerned (said that earlier, people found it funny)...
Then you have the glottal close and mixed aspirates and such. Anyway...
I don't feel like typing all this up right now... my end result yileds cahracters that in primary script appear similar to this:
LEFTI... yeah... I'm just gonna post now.

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