Thursday, June 22, 2006

System of Measurement

I mentioned English and our system of measurement. Here's what I've been working on for some time...

Measurement'll go first, why not. Um... So we have American Standard and Metric, right? American Standard isn't base ten and is useless for any kind of calculation. So then its metric we're left with. But it can be improved. We can do this by assimilating constants. We must first establish some kind of unit of time. The second? Did God ever divide time into hours, minutes, and seconds? I don't think he did... pretty sure not. So let's take it base ten. Ten units in a day, ten units in each of those and so on... down to about the same range as the second we know today. I calculated 1 day *10^-5 to be like .86s or something like that... just a sec...
.864s... wow, I remembered pretty well.. ok. Then you set c to be an even power of ten. as opposed to 2.98*10^...6 I think it is, just say c = 10^x d/t. That sets your units of distance. That turned out to be... Man, I've typed this all up already... shame I didn't bring my PC up here... 299,792,458 m/s to 10^8 d/t... meaning that its...
346982011.57407 m/ so 346982011.57407 m = 10^8
3.46982 revised meters in a meter, placing us at 28.82 cm/ revised meter. Or... yeah, I probably screwed it up. The right calculations are at home in Omaha. If you care, just email me. Moving on.

English. Oh.. man. Starting new post.. I'm sorry this rather sloppy, people. My other documents are awesome, and stuff never seems to go into type twice at the same quality. First time is always better...

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